Governors Island Summer Open Studios 2022

Slinko, archival prints of drawings on Hahnemühle watercolor paper, 48 x 67” each, 2018

Triangle is excited to announce Governors Island Summer Open Studios

Colonels Row, House #405a

Saturday, August 6th

Taking place in conjunction with House Fest, a three-day cel­e­bra­tion of the sea­son­al Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence in Nolan Park and Colonels Row.

Featuring Eric Ramos Guerrero, Slinko, Sally Lelong, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, and Ariel Kleinberg.

Special installations: “Dispatches from a Head of State” by Slinko

and “The Estate Special” by Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow

All guests will be required to wear masks, if you have any questions please contact

Slinko is a multidisciplinary artist from Ukraine and is currently living in the USA. Her artistic practice is rooted in travel and research, and is informed by social sciences. In her work, Slinko investigates the effects and workings of power on society and individuals. Slinko works across several disciplines, and incorporates forms ranging from political satire to drawings, moving image, performance, and fieldwork. Slinko has been a recipient of the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship, and an artist in residence at Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Henry Street Settlement, BANFF Centre, Bemis Contemporary Art Center, and The Drawing Center Open Sessions program among others.

Eric Ramos Guerrero is a multidisciplinary artist based in New York City whose work investigates The West through landscapes of suburban California, the US/Mexican border and the tropical spaces of western expansion. Eric exhibits work internationally, including The Drawing Center NY, El Museo De Barrio NY, The Knockdown Center NY, Beaux Arts FR, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, White Box NY, ICPNY, Inside-Out Museum Beijing, Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery Belgium, and Green Papaya Philippines. Eric has been a resident artist at The Drawing Center, Marble House Project Residency, and Triangle Arts Organization. He received his MFA from Columbia University, BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and BA from San Diego State University.

Sally Lelong a visual storyteller. Her compositions arrange clues that illuminate her observations and inner experiences. She strives to relate moments of self-reflection with work that extends into the viewer's imagination. Whether creating theater environments or aesthetic propositions, the responses a piece evokes is its narrative.

Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow is an interdisciplinary artist who often stages live and lens-based performances. She constructs narratives with wearable sculptures, drawings, and prints that aim to highlight the lost traditions and stories of her own heritage(s), cultural ideologies and the effects of migration, globalization, and climate change. Using urban and natural landscapes, some of which are culturally significant, she places the audience as the role of witness to her reclaim. Lyn-Kee-Chow lives in Queens, NY and is currently working on her ongoing series, “Junkanooacome," based on the 18th-century Jamaican folk masquerade called jonkonnu.

Ariel Kleinberg is a painter and performance artist creating theatrical installations and mythological interventions throughout the city, from the depths of subways to the heights of skyscrapers. She is interested in journeys to the underworld and trances to make humans divine.