Snails in the rain


Saturday 11am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 5pm
October 1st - October 27th

Governors Island, House 7B Nolan Park
New York, NY 11231
Ferry schedules and more info about Governors Island here.

Snails in the Rain is an exhibition organized by current Triangle Governors Island artist in residence, Mo Kong. Kong a researcher and multi-media artist whose work is deeply impacted by social events and posits questions about the current political environment. His research-led process usually takes the form of large scale installations involving science research and multiple journalism perspectives in which he challenges key issues using complex narratives that synthesize the past with the present. Christina Poblador is an artist and a feminist exploring the art of glass blowing, performance and scent in contemporary art. Her work interprets autochthonous narratives from Philippine history and culture and shapes them into conceptual creations that reflect her love for nature and her unique, cross-cultural personal experience. Wangui Maina is a multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her work often examines culturally specific adornment practices and the way they shape how individuals navigate through the world both physically and figuratively.