Winter Open Studios

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Thursday, Feb 6th, 6 - 8 PM Triangle Arts Association
20 Jay Street suite 318 [3rd floor]

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Come visit us to see new work by our artists in residence, including sculpture, collage, video, and more!

Helina Metaferia is an interdisciplinary artist working in performance, video, assemblage, and collage. She has exhibited her work at venues including Museum of African Diaspora (San Francisco), Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), Smack Mellon (New York), and Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (Detroit). Her artist residencies include Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, and NARS Foundation. Helina completed her MFA at Tufts University’s School of the Museum of Fine Arts and attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. She is currently a Mellon Fellow / Assistant Professor at Brown University and lives and works in New York City.

Jonathan Mildenberg writes, “I’m interested in the “aesthetic infrastructure” found in all mediums of constructed life- from architecture and media platforms to corporate branding and interior design.  Its rise is tied to the breakdown of politics and global capitalism's ability to make actual material change in people's lives. Within this vacuum, companies and governments have relied on the visual languages of progress rather than actual progress, exploiting our image culture through aesthetic identification, collective nostalgia, and the nagging eschatological sense that the good times are over. Through installation, sculpture, sound, and video, I investigate the gap between what these mediums are saying to us and what they are actually doing.  Within that space lies outside interests, opaque objectives, unintentional consequences, false narratives, histories of innovation and oppression and all of the cross-currents that make up the psychic underpinnings within built spaces and constructed objects. “

Annesofie Sandal works with found cardboard as a material that represents contemporary life and tragedy through its varied use, functionality and cultural value. Since becoming a mother three years ago, her sculptures and installations have expanded in material and content. With her work she aims to voice emotions of female power and reproduction as a reminder of how we as humans are more alike than different. Sandal is a Korean born adoptee, raised in Denmark, and a new American immigrant. She is cofounder of the feministic art group Island Life and an independent curator. She holds a MFA from The Royal Academy of Visual Arts in Copenhagen.

Students from the Clermont Ferrand School of Fine Arts (ESACM) will utilize Triangle as an international site of artistic learning and exchange, in residence from January–February 2020. ESACM is located in the center of France and runs a unique nomadic program abroad for its MFA candidates. As part of their formal education, these students move between cities, allowing them to experience a larger, global ecosystem of contemporary art and culture. The students attending the program are Vincent Caroff, Juliette Jaffeux, Stefan Ferreira, Elisa Villatte, Manon Pretto, and Niloofar Basiri. Their mentor is Paris based artist Jimmy Beauquesne, a recent graduate of ESACM.